PT. DELTA ATSIRI PRIMA, BPOM Standardized Cosmetic, Halal and Trusted
Want to make Cosmetic products with your own brand without bother with licensing and production? Let us do the hassle, you only need to wait for your products to arrive!
PT. Delta Atsiri Prima
Cosmetic OEM Service Specialist

Distributors And Customers Need High Quality And Certified Products.
Processes high quality ingredients from Indonesian nature into useful products and helps maintain health.
We will help the registering process of your product to HAKI, BPOM, HALAL and KEMENKES until all certificates/permits are issued.
OEM process
Complete Services for Traditional Medicine Businesses
You can make your own traditional medicinal products.

Product Concept
Discuss with us the product’s concept according to what kind of concept you want.

Product Sample
We prepare product samples from the formula and concept you want.

Product Process
We will fulfill your order according to CPOTB-BPOM standards.

Product Design
Discuss the product design you already have with us.

Product Formula
We will provide alternative formulas to suit your dream product.

Legality Guarantee
We provide comprehensive services for the HKI permits, BPOM, HALAL, and KEMENKES managements.
Hair Care
- Anti Dandruff Shampoo
- Anti Loss Shampoo
- Anti-Frizz Shampoo
- Smooth Hair Shampoo
- Moist Hair Shampoo
- Anti Musty Shampoo
- etc.
- Anti Dandruff Conditioner
- Smooth Hair Conditioner
- Hair Color Conditioner
- etc.
Hair Mask
- Dandruff Hair Mask
- Hair Loss Mask
- Black Hair Mask
- Tangled Hair Mask
- Silky Hair Mask
- Moist Hair Mask
- Thick & strong Hair Mask
- Dandruff Hair Tonic
- Hair Loss Tonic
- etc.
Hair Oil
- Black Hair Serum Oil
- Hair Growth Serum Oil
- Hair Loss Serum Oil
- etc.
Hair Serum
- Black Hair Serum
- Dense Hair Serum
- Water-Based Pomade Oil
- Oil-Based Pomade Oil
- Mixed-Based Pomade Oil
Hair Care
- Shampoo Anti Ketombe
- Shampoo Anti Rontok
- Shampoo Anti Kusut
- Shampoo Rambut Halus
- Shampoo Rambut Lembab
- Shampoo Anti Apek
- Dll
- Conditioner Anti Ketombe
- Conditioner Rambut Halus
- Conditioner Pewarna Rambut
- Dll
Masker Rambut
- Masker Rambut Ketombe
- Masker Rambut Rontok
- Masker Rambut Hitam
- Masker Rambut Kusut
- Masker Rambut Halus
- Masker Rambut Lembab
- Masker Rambut Tebal & kuat
- Dll.
- Tonik Rambut Ketombe
- Tonik Rambut Rontok
- Oil Serum Rambut Hitam
- Dll.
Hair Oil
- Oil Serum Penumbuh Rambut
- Oil Serum Rambut Rontok
- Dll.
Hair Serum
- Serum Rambut Hitam
- Serum Rambut Lebat
- Dll.
Minyak Pomade Bahan Dasar Ai
Minyak Pomade Bahan Dasar Minyak
Minyak Pomade Bahan Dasar Campuran
- Dll.
Body Care
Personal Care
- Toothpaste
- Bath soap
- Eyelash Serum
- Eye Serum
- Lip Balm
- Lip Scrubs
- Lip Serums
- Breast Gel
- Breast Cream
- Breast Serum
- Slimming Gel
- Slimming Cream
- Deodorant Spray
- Underarm Cream
- Acne Back Spray
- Feminine Hygiene Wash
- Spice Scrub
- Aloe Vera Healing Gel
- etc.
Body Moisturizer
- Body Lotion
- Body Serum
- Body Butter
- Body Cream
- Shooting Gel
- Hand & Foot Gel
- Hand & Foot Cream
- Dll
Body Cleanser
- Peeling Spray
- Body Mask
- Body Wash
- Body Scrub
- Body Exfoliator
- Dll.
Face Care
Facial Cleanser
- Face Wash
- Face Foam
- Face Gel Cleanser
- Cleansing Balm
- Toner Cleanser
- Micellar Water
- Exfoliating Toner
- Balancing Toner
- Hydrating Toner
- Dll
- Face Mist
- Facial Shooting Gel
- Facial Moisturizing Butter
- Day Cream
- Night Cream
- Jelly Booster
- Sunscreen Gel
- Sunscreen Cream
- Sunscreen Spray
- Dll
Essence & Serum
- Hydrating Essence
- Brightening Essence
- Hydrating Face Serum
- Brightening Face Serum
- Anti Acne Face Serum
- Anti Aging Face Serum
- Exfoliating Face Serum
- Dll.