PT Delta Atsiri Prima

PT. DELTA ATSIRI PRIMA, BPOM Standardized Essensial Oil, Halal and Trusted​

Want to make Essensial Oil products with your own brand without bother with licensing and production? Let us do the hassle, you only need to wait for your products to arrive!

PT. Delta Atsiri Prima

Essential Oil OEM Service Specialist

Distributors And Customers Need High Quality And Certified Products.

Processes high quality ingredients from Indonesian nature into useful products and helps maintain health.

We will help the registering process of your product to HAKI, BPOM, HALAL and KEMENKES until all certificates/permits are issued.

We serve several large clients

We Manufacture Famous Products

+ 100
+ 300
Million Packaging
+ 10
+ 100

OEM process


Complete Services for Traditional Medicine Businesses

You can make your own traditional medicinal products.

Product Concept

Discuss with us the product’s concept according to what kind of concept you want.

Product Sample

We prepare product samples from the formula and concept you want.

Product Process

We will fulfill your order according to CPOTB-BPOM standards.

Product Design

Discuss the product design you already have with us.

Product Formula

We will provide alternative formulas to suit your dream product.

Legality Guarantee

We provide comprehensive services for the HKI permits, BPOM, HALAL, and KEMENKES managements.

Single Essential Oil

  1. Almond oil
  2. Avocado oil
  3. Clove oil
  4. Chamomile oil
  5. Eucalyptus oil
  6. Ginger oil
  7. Lime oil
  8. Cinnamon oil
  9. Eucalyptus oil
  10. Hazelnut oil
  11. Turmeric oil
  12. lavender oil

13. Lemongrass oil
14. Rose oil
15. Jasmine oil
16. Mint oil
17. Patchouli oil
18. Nutmeg oil
19. Citronella oil
20. Tea tree oil
21. Olive oil
22. Etc.

Single Essential Oil

  1. Minyak almond
  2. Minyak alpukat 
  3. Minyak cengkeh
  4. Minyak chamomile
  5. Minyak ekaliptus
  6. Minyak jahe
  7. Minyak jeruk nipis
  8. Minyak kayu manis
  9. Minyak kayu putih
  10. Minyak kemiri
  11. Minyak kunyit
  12. Minyak lavender
  13. Minyak lemongrass
  14. Minyak mawar
  15. Minyak melati
  16. Minyak mint
  17. Minyak nilam
  18. Minyak pala
  19. Minyak sereh wangi
  20. Minyak tea tree
  21. Minyak zaitun
  22. Dll.

Blend Essential Oil

  1. Cough n flu 
  2. Deep sleep 
  3. Bugs out 
  4. Joy 
  5. Calming 
  6. Stress away 
  7. Energizing 
  8. Immune booster 
  9. Mood booster 
  10. Better belly
  11. Head relief
  12. Dll.

Don't hesitate to contact us for more information!